Posts Tagged Rika
People that bought volume 4 or saw some of the bonus content on Patreon might recognize this character as one of Ian’s younger siblings.
Hey I wonder what those other guys are doing. I got my table assignment for animazement! I’ll be at Artist’s Alley Table J02! Come see me! I also recently got a card reader so if you’re at the con[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
TWIYEH! vampires are mostly coagulated blood-jello in the shape of a human, so they’re relatively easy to cut apart.
Despite only having four panels this page took forever to draw. Also yes! This is a monday and there’s an update! Since the Patreon reached the $100 goal we’re back to doing two pages on the first week of each[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Blurf, I’m still feeling pretty sick, have had a horrific past couple of days, and my boss refuses to cut my hours. I’ve gotten very little art done this week and I’m starting to worry I won’t have my pages[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…