7-50: I can’t remember
Hey, we’re back!
Sorry I vanished so suddenly. Between my tablet breaking and my roommate’s cat being sick and the general state of the world overall I had a slight nervous breakdown. Thanks for sticking around, I really appreciate it.
While I was gone I made a decision regarding the rest of the story. Since both TWIYEH and SP are nearing their respective ends I am going to put one on hiatus so I can focus on finishing the other. I’m going to run through the buffer pages I have and then SP will pause and TWIYEH will start updating more. I’ll still probably post updates on mondays but it will be two or three pages instead of one. I currently have up to page 7-55 inked so the bigger updates will begin after that.
Also if you are on Pillowfort I got into the beta! My page is here. So far I really love it, it’s structured extremely well for artists and the staff seems to genuinely care about it being a good place for it’s users. If you haven’t signed up for the beta yet I highly recommend that you do. I expect it could replace tumblr pretty quickly for a lot of people once it’s fully open.
Wow, a faerie was actually talking to him and then forgot it? Just where did this boat-load of mystery-mojo come from?
Well, okay, maybe fairies are scatter-brained? But they seem sort of rules-based? And hold a grudge? I would expect them to be pretty good at remembering who had wronged them at least…
I think Kytri had said something a long while ago about how the vampire dude basically has the ability to be bland/unremarkable and easily forgettable? I think it might have something to do with that.
Is the comic still going to be being updated in april – ish? I’ve got a costume party then and I’m going as Ian.
I’ll post a picture if anyone is curious.
Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be finished by then. And even if it was the site would still be up.
*Excited fan noises*