2-66: Be more assertive
Oh man I am so tired from moving and I’m not even done yet D:
I’ve fallen a fair bit behind on my buffer for this comic due to the whole moving situation. I lost several days of comic work to hauling shit up and down stairs.
I’m going to try and catch up but I might have to miss an update at some point :/ sorry.
In other words Jordi, grow a pair :D
How do you pronounce his name? I've always wondered but never asked.
It’s pronounced just the same as “Geordie”.
I have been pronouncing his name wrong for years ._.
That's what I thought. Thanks! :)
I get the feeling Jordi has a short attention span.
I also get the feeling Cynthia knows something about Mr. Psycho Purple Pants, she looks seriously worried. If she doesn't know he was the one in the alley, she at least knows about him and his psycho-ness to be so worried. Or maybe I'm reading too much in to it.
i think you're reading too much into it, but they work together so a few crazy roommate stories have to have been shared.
"listen, i don't care about your friend, i want some booze for the party bef-"
Cynthia is the best catgirl. eh helps spies and doesn't afraid of anything.
Hasn't anyone told you underage drinking is bad, Abby? :T
If I were in Cynthia's position, I probably would've said something like, "I don't owe you squat!" grab the keycard, and make an entirely different hand gesture in panel 7…
So is the drinking age being 21 in the first place. Being bad, that is.
So many better ways to handle alcohol related problems than just raising the drinking age. That just exacerbates them, if anything.
Whelp, I got a little srs there.
Jordi you are so pathetic. This is why I love you. <3
Oh my god, it's a woman suit, cynthia is buffalo bill.
Oh man-up Jordi. Your CV counter-part is a kick-ass spy, I'm sure you could do better than stammer when someone asks you a question. -_-;