6-85: It looks pretty bad.
on November 14, 2016
at 12:06 am
Okay, If I’ve done my math right the last page of the chapter will go up on December 7.
I’m going to take some time off after, I’m not sure how long though. I usually use the break to get the book put together but based on my current finances and the preorders for previous books there’s literally no way for me to get the money to cover printing costs. I’ll try to put together a PDF at least. On that note you can get PDFs of the previous books on Gumroad. If you’d like any of the previous books in a PDF you can get them there. I like to think they’re pretty affordable.
Crimony, Abigail’s got muscles.
Also, panels 4 and 5 are the best.
Oh, I love getting your books! Do you think you could kickstart it? I know you did something like that in the past though, so maybe you already thought of that, huh?
The problem is I need to reprint volumes 2 and 3 as well. To get 25 copies of each I’d need about $750. but for Kickstarter there’s usually extra fees and such to worry about so I’d probably set it around $1000 just to be safe.
I sell the books for $20 with shipping included. So I’d need the Kickstarter preorders to be about 50 books. But to print 50 copies I need to set the goal higher etc. the math just doesn’t work.
Also I’ve never had more than 10 books preordered for any of my comics so I’m doubtful using kickstarter would change that.
I always thought it was a bit strange that his fae hand is bigger than his human hand. Also didn’t it used to glow?
I think it’s starting to regenerate back to human