6-71: I dont have her number.
You know when I posted the past page I hadn’t expected people to worry so much about it ending on an “and”.
Anyway I’m back. SPX was great, though I seem to be relapsing a bit on my cold. I’ve got a nasty lingering cough.
Also I don’t remember if I’d talked about it here but when I started this chapter I’d expected it to be the last one but clearly this story isn’t going to be able to wrap everything up in the next 20 or so pages. So there’s going to be 7 books at the end.
I actually have to reprint volumes 2 and 3 so I’m hoping I can get a bunch of books printed at the same time. I’m not sure what I’ll do to raise the money yet at this point.
It really isn’t that complicated. Your brother was stolen as an infant and replaced with a monster that eats magic. You grew up with the monster and the brother who you have never really met has just come back and is superhumanly violent. If people keep losing limbs and eating their friends then “you don’t have to understand” is becoming a steadily vanishing commodity. And, I mean, she told you HER huge secret… *sighs* I know, reciprocation doesn’t always work with these things… But really, who are you trying to protect at this point? Her? She is already mixed-up with monsters, she could really use a primer on who she knows who could help or hurt her. Yourself? She seems pretty trustworthy and she has seen far too much at this point to just leave it… The relationship between you? Between the doppelganger and the inexplicably green-glowing pitch-black quick-grow limb, she is going to know that you are keeping weird secrets, and the truth is that you really did grow up together…
But, ehh, this is not the best time…
Ian’s not explaining that stuff because everyone in the scene already knows about it.
Quick question, mostly unrelated to the current comic.
Does this site division, the whole ‘skyscrapersoup’ thing- does the Random button come with all comics on the area? Because I’ve noticed it on your other works, and a ‘Random’ button doesn’t make all that much sense to be in a story-based comic. Is it just an non-removable feature of the site?
It’s just the way the content management software sets up the navigation. I guess I could go in and edit it but it seemed like more trouble than it’s worth.
I’m both anxious and sad that the next chapter will be the last one. I like this story. D=
I’ll still be doing other comic, including side comics with the characters from TWIYEH. So I hope you won’t be too sad.