3-41: That’s not normal.
I have a couple of announcements:
First off I added a couple of specials to the shop: http://kytri.bigcartel.com/
If you order both books you get a free print of your choice and if you get a full set of buttons it only costs $10 (normally it would be $13) I’ll be taking them down the weekend of December 7th.
I wanted to set up a thing so people could buy comic originals but I haven’t had time to work on it. Perhaps after the holidays.
Secondly: I’ll probably be taking a couple of weeks off the comics in December. My day job is getting more demanding and I’m having a small health issue, and I kind of just need a little time to recharge my batteries. Sorry guys.
Ian: "With my last breath i wish that a trampy vampire assassin comes after you!"
P&H: "Dude, wasn't that curse oddly specific?" "Nah, it was probably the ghost portal warping the sounds"
"Sorry, Ian, can't call for help. My phone's too busy taking a pic of that awesome portal engulfing your car!"
I was sitting there part of the time you were drawing this, or at least inking. Hehehe!
I miss the days when that wasn't uncommon :P
Look at it this way, Ian- you won't have to go ghost-hunting with Howard & Phillip now. :D
but now he's counting on their ghost-hunting to help save him from the ghost portal. D:
I'd be calling them something a lot worse than idiots, Ian
They shouldn't have placed those 14 Obsidian blocks there…
I'm afraid my friends would do EXACTLY the same if I was Ian.
oh my god
I feel like Ian has the worst luck when it comes to magic related things, especially since he's one of the "normal" humans (unless he turns out to be a faerie) and he has that kind of personality where if he's skeptic about something he doesn't believe it unless it is LITERALLY IN FRONT OF HIM AND INTERACTING WITH HIM WITHOUT A SHRED OF DOUBT
Well, he's either been captured by faeries, or had some sort of supernatural gas leak.
He may be pissed at them now, but he'll be grateful for those photos when he has to prove to the insurance company that his car did disappear off the face of the earth.
Your co worker is being swallowed up in his car by a potentially dangerous black smoke and the first thing you do is pull out your camera phone and watch……… T T yeah, these guys are losers. Heartless, never-gonna-get-girlfriends-even-if-they-paid-for-em losers.