20- Punch out all his blood
I inked like a whole pile of these yesterday and I’m terrible at sitting on them for any span of time.
Also I’m getting really sick of DA not letting me upload stuff in Opera, it’s been like that for months. I sent a ticket about it back in march, and they fixed it for one day, then it broke again.
That is a rather epic facepalm on Ian's part.
"Some place very special.
Somewhere where I can rape you
Silly boy. You can't leave a tiny doggy in the house alone. He might come in handy later for vampire hunting :D
There's an ad on the side called "Free blood test" and another called "punch out"
High five for adbots.
1.) i love the facial expressions in this page. also how you're able to draw three characters together in a small place ( in this case, a car ) and still have it look good.
2.) i lol'd at the reference in the title.
That catgirl has a pretty cool expression in the third panel.
Your right, and Ian is hilarious in the fifth. :)
Anyone else think it’s weird how the catgirl is holding a dog? What’s next a mouse boy with a hawk?
punch out all his blood? isn't that from that tf2 meet the sandvich video?
Yes, this is hardly the first page to reference something in the title.
Panel Two. "Nah, you're worried about her. I'm a nosy asshole." That made me laugh SO HARD.