2-40: I’m not a people.
It’s kind of nice writing Amun’s dialogue, since he’s a Nai’ka who acts like a Nai’ka. Rei doesn’t count, Rei’s a jerk.
Anyway most of you probably already know that today is the anti SOPA/PIPA blackout protest. I decided not to censor my site. I agree with the protest 100% but my site is so small as to not matter if I participate or not. It would just amount to me delaying an update.
Anyway click this link https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/ to learn more about the bills and sign a petition to stop them.
He's blind, a minority, his sister's dead, and they don't know who did it…
That's…that's not funny at all, really. I got nothing…
Poor Amun. Considering they're a nonviolent species, what sort of punishment or retribution would there be for the killer?
Liam putting a bullet in their face, most likely. dude was stealing blood and tossing lightning at people, i don't think he's gonna take the hint when Liam warns him not to fuck around.
That's assuming there will be a warning at all. Liam strikes me as a no nonsense type of guy, even when he's killing. And I'm guessing all that assassin training isn't going to waste.
But that's our expectation of the outcome. What I meant was, I wonder what Amun, being relatively removed from this whole idea of murder and vigilantism, is expecting the outcome to be. I dunno, maybe I'm being overly analytical.
Rojo already died? :T